If It Dies, Chop Off All Signs Of Lifelessness

If It Dies, Chop Off All Signs Of Lifelessness

I have been trying to stop some of my favourite plants from suffering greatly in this current phase of tremendously dry heat.  It’s so very disappointing when a much loved and long held specimen suddenly keels over.  Leaves drop and look pathetic.  Once the plant has succumbed it can be impossible to rescue them, even with copious amounts of water.  I had feared that two particularly tough ones has inexplicably caved in and sadly cut them down to base level.  Amazingly though and to my undoubted joy, I spotted new life sprouting out from these tiny brown stumps.  Then another successful recycling exercise was a mediterrean oleander – usually as hardy as old boots in native climes.  However one of mine has struggled for life since the first snows and frosts this year.  This time I just took the driest and most dead appearing branches and twiglets off.  Having soaked it well just for the last gasp effort, to my amazement and joy, again, out popped new leaves near each stump.  Oh the joy!