Fit Twin Bins To Downpipes To Save Rain

Fit Twin Bins To Downpipes To Save Rain

Currently as we go through this incredibly difficult time confined to our homes with no opportunity to visit gardens or historic houses – the usual sources of inspiration and days out for busy week in week out family agendas.  Now though we can concentrate on getting our own little areas of little Britain up and as usefully  productive as possible.  For those who do already have some gardening equipment, those stacks of black plant pots and various sized containers we can order up compost, seeds, plug plants etc. and this  year really make an effort to help oursleves out of the vegetable crisis, if we do little else!  Of course, we can also learn more about our gardens too – looking carefully at where the sun has most effect and of course, when it rains, have we got as many rain collecting water butts ?  These can be installed adjacent to every downpipe if we have the room.  Cometh the hour, cometh the gardening hero!